Few writers make it through their early twenties without trying to make a career covering television and film. I’ve been lucky enough to write about some of my favorite (and least favorite) things in media for some pretty cool sites. There are also some short stories in there because MFA.
Miscellaneous Fiction

"Oh, don’t worry—I assume I’ll still be around, but, well, in truth, I might have moved on to other things by then."

"'It’ll be too weird otherwise,' she says. 'Me getting married and you not being there.' It feels both genuine and the possible set-up to a cruel joke."
The Observer – TV Column

Our hopes that the slate of love interests will be wiped clean are fading fast. Why do I hope for this, you ask? Because looking back, almost every last boyfriend/love interest/B-plot male suitor featured on our beloved Gilmore Girls was, simply put, a fuckboi.

For many, Marnie is the worst character on HBO’s Girls. On a show that features Hannah Horvath and queen of wanton chaos Jessa, that distinction is no small feat.

Episodes 6x01 to 6x10, Season Recap; co-authored with Vinnie Mancuso

The first half of the opening entry of the heavily marketed, aggressively-demanded Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life series feels like a Westworld reenactment of the Stars Hollow we once knew.

Twelve years in, and multiple terminated contracts later, the show’s one constant has been Ellen Pompeo’s titular character of Meredith Grey. To put it lightly, Meredith has seen some s#!t.

Many were ready to track House of Cards’ slow decline into tacky, high-production melodrama. Instead, we saw its glorious rise back into the high-production melodrama it was always meant to be.

What happened? Kind of a lot. Was it a good episode? Um… Was it a bad episode? Idem. ‘Homeward Bound’ was in many ways, Girls at its Girls-iest complete with moments of insight amidst whacky antics.

One of the weirdest wrinkles of this show is the intensity of literally every parental figure in town with the exceptions of Veronica’s mother and Archie’s father.
BuzzFeed – Culture

In the low-expectation world of online dating, do we really owe anyone more than just a swipe?
The Guardian, US – TV

The avid viewers of TV’s most ardently watched shows outdid scriptwriters with alternate story lines that made more sense where the real show lost the plot. Warning: spoilers ahead...
A.V. Club

This was a shocking moment for a show that already took subtlety behind the shed years ago. At the height of #StandWithPP, the boldness of the choice earned both praise and criticism from the press and social media.

In season five, Sansa’s stock has sharply risen and her sights are now set on the position of Wardeness Of The North, the first non-queenly position of political power hinted at being achievable for a woman in Westeros.

Two months ago, at the ripe-ish age of 27, I experienced my first "bro" breakup. My (now former) roommate and (equally former) close friend and I parted ways permanently and acrimoniously. Cops were involved.
Vanity Fair

The only black woman in Westeros saw her arc come to a sorry end in “The Last of the Starks.”

The series is finally showing some self-awareness about its black characters—but that doesn’t lessen the sting of how they’ve been sidelined.

In the end, we may not remember the gruesome torture scenes but viewers will certainly remember Scandal’s signature shutter-flicking cutaways and the sight of Olivia Pope storming into a room, immediately rendering everyone there powerless.